Composite Bonding Join and Book Now

Composite Bonding in the UK

Win as many hearts as possible with a beautiful and flawless smile!

Do you feel self-conscious about smiling in public due to dental imperfections? Whether you have cracked or chipped teeth, dental correction is just a click away! will help you arrange an appointment at a leading dental practice for composite bonding in London. Our partner clinics are led by experienced dentists who can address your dental issues. You should book an appointment if you want to restore your smile.

What is Composite Bonding

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding involves the application of tooth-coloured materials to enhance the appearance of teeth, including their colour, shape, and size. It can be completed in a single dentist visit at an affordable cost compared to other dental treatments.

Composite bonding takes a conservative approach to improving your dental appearance. It involves little-to-no alteration of the existing natural teeth and delivers outstanding results. Bonding repair is also quite straightforward and does not require advanced preparation of the tooth surface. This cosmetic procedure is very popular in London and surrounding areas, making us your ideal partner to connect with a trusted practice in the city.

Composite bonding enhances dental appearance

Composite bonding enhances dental appearance by:

  • Increasing the length of short teeth
  • Repairing cracked or chipped teeth
  • Improving the appearance of discoloured teeth
  • Filling gaps between the teeth
  • Protecting exposed tooth roots due to receding gums

How is composite bonding in London done?

When you visit the dentist, they will take photographs of your teeth to create a personalised plan that will enhance both the aesthetics and function of your teeth. The dentist will work with you to choose the correct shade that blends with your natural teeth. The treatment will then commence to deliver a positive outcome.

Why opt for composite bonding in London

Why opt for composite bonding in London?

  • Minimal invasion to restore a beautiful smile
  • Availability of various treatment options
  • Addresses both functional and aesthetic concerns
  • Completed in a single appointment
  • Composite veneers are reversible
  • No need for injections or drilling
  • Easy to correct any issues
  • Competitive costs
How to prepare your tooth for composite bonding

How to prepare your tooth for composite bonding

Dentists at our partner clinics will prepare your teeth by applying an etching material to the surface, which helps bind the bonding material firmly to the teeth. A tiny amount of natural tooth tissue may need to be removed during the treatment, followed by cleaning and polishing. After the application of the tooth resin, the dentist will mould it to your teeth.

Composite bonding and aftercare

Composite bonding and aftercare

Affordability is the biggest advantage of this conservative cosmetic dentistry. The filling material tends to wear or chip more easily than lab-made restorations like porcelain veneers or dental crowns. Proper care and maintenance can make composite bonding last for 3-7 years. Over time, it may become stained, dull, or wear down, and you may need recontouring, repolishing, or replacement to ensure the longevity of the material.

How long does composite bonding last?

The longevity of composite bonding depends on the condition of your teeth. With proper care and maintenance, it typically lasts 5-10 years. For restoration, you should arrange an appointment with the dentist through


Patients of all ages can benefit from dental bonding. It effectively addresses dental issues in senior citizens, adults, adolescents, and children to enhance their smile and appearance.

Patients with noticeable dental imperfections such as uneven, stained, misshapen, discoloured, crooked, cracked, or broken teeth are ideal candidates for this treatment. Dental bonding also addresses gaps between teeth and broken or worn-out bridges.

Tooth bonding is a highly natural-looking cosmetic dental restoration performed by an experienced cosmetic dentist skilled in complex veneering and tooth sculpting.

You should practice basic oral care habits but avoid biting hard objects like ice cubes and hard candy. Nail-biting should also be avoided.

Not at all! Composite bonding does not cause pain. The dentist will numb the area with local anaesthesia as minimal tooth removal is involved.

You should wait around 12 hours before eating anything. Initially, you should consume soft foods to allow the bonded material to regain its full strength, enabling you to bite and chew normally again.

Compared to composite bonding, dental crowns are more expensive. They restore dental health and last longer, but patients need to take additional care to maintain their new smile post-restoration.

No, composite bonding cannot be whitened. Therefore, you should undergo whitening treatment beforehand and select the shade of bonding material accordingly.