White Fillings in the UK

Visit our partner dental practices in the UK to get composite white filling for a flawless smile within your budget

  • Beautiful smile in a single visit
  • Natural-looking white fillings
  • A metal-free alternative
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White or Composite Fillings in the UK

White fillings, also known as composite fillings, are among the most common dental restoration procedures used to achieve a beautiful smile. They restore teeth damaged by cavities or decay and can also fix minor gaps, chips, and cracks, resulting in a flawless appearance.

At some point, most people will require fillings to maintain their smile. However, many avoid conventional silver fillings because they are noticeable and can make one self-conscious. With MD.co.uk, you can connect with leading dental practices across the UK that offer mercury-free treatments. They do not use dental amalgam, a material composed of copper, tin, silver, and mercury, for tooth restoration. The dentists at our partner practices provide composite fillings that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing, ensuring the preservation of your beautiful smile.

What is a White Filling

What is a White Filling?

White fillings protect and restore teeth while preserving their original function. They are made from dental composite with resins, giving them their white appearance. This procedure is safe, and the dentists at our partner practices consider it both functional and aesthetically beneficial.

If you are seeking a desirable outcome, consider visiting one of our partner dental practices in the UK for bespoke white filling treatment. The dentists will provide a natural-looking result, so no one can tell you've had restorative work done. During your appointment, the cosmetic dentist at our partner practice will select a matching shade to seamlessly blend the restoration. You can receive composite fillings for both back and front teeth at our partner dental practices in the UK. Compared to traditional silver amalgam fillings, this option is a safer, healthier, and more natural way to enhance your cosmetic dental appearance by repairing any damage.

Composite Filling: How It’s Done at Our Partner Dental Clinics in the UK

Tooth Preparation

For a large cavity, the dentist will administer local anaesthesia to numb the tooth, ensuring a comfortable and painless experience.

Removal of Decayed Tissue

The dentist will carefully remove the decayed tissue using a small drill. Our partner practices aim to preserve as much of the natural tooth as possible and also offer affordable replacement of old, worn-out silver amalgam fillings.

Cavity Cleaning

Once the decayed part is removed, the dentist will clean and disinfect the resulting cavity.

Bonding Agent Application

Dentists at our partner clinics in the UK use a composite resin shade that matches your natural teeth, making the restoration both aesthetic and functional.


During your appointment, if the dentist finds any gaps between your teeth, they will close them using fillings and prescribe any necessary medication for additional protection.

Shaping the Filling

After the procedure, the dentist will sculpt and polish the tooth surface to resemble the look and feel of a natural tooth. Their expertise ensures proper bite restoration, followed by a bite test with carbon paper to confirm the perfect fit.

Once the procedure is complete, you can use the treated tooth just like a natural one, without any discomfort while eating or drinking. At our partner practices, white fillings may take up to an hour, depending on the severity of your condition.

Why Choose Composite White Fillings in the UK

Why Choose Composite White Fillings in the UK?

  • Composite fillings are free from toxic materials, including mercury. Some studies suggest that amalgam containing mercury can pose a health risk.
  • White fillings do not expand or contract with temperature changes, providing additional protection against sensitivity and fractures.
  • Composite fillings require less drilling, preserving more of the natural dental structure compared to amalgam fillings.
  • They are aesthetically pleasing and maintain the tooth's full functionality. Being tooth-coloured, they blend seamlessly.
  • Composite fillings harden within seconds of application, unlike other materials which may take days.
  • White fillings bond with the natural tooth, making it stronger and less likely to break or chip.
  • They can replace previous amalgam fillings, and repairs are easy when they degrade.
  • White fillings are versatile and can perfectly fix worn-out, cracked, or chipped teeth.
  • Compared to smile makeovers or porcelain veneers, this option is quicker and more cost-effective for smile restoration.
Why Choose MD.co.uk for White Composite Fillings in the UK

Why Choose MD.co.uk for White Composite Fillings in the UK?

MD.co.uk is unique, offering the following benefits:

  • We have partnered with leading dental practices throughout the UK to provide the highest standard of dental care.
  • Our partner dental practices are served by top professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in the field.
  • Replacement of silver amalgam fillings is possible at our partner practices.
  • Our partner clinics offer tooth-coloured fillings in a single visit, ensuring you are in safe hands and feel confident.
  • Temporary fillings are provided in emergency cases.
  • Dentists can effortlessly repair damaged, cracked, and chipped teeth with bespoke white fillings.
  • You can expect competitive pricing without hidden costs for your dental treatment at one of our partner clinics.


White fillings are recommended if you have dental decay or cavities and want to protect the tooth from further damage. They prevent the spread of infection, injury, and damage, ensuring the tooth's optimal health. White fillings are considered both aesthetically and functionally pleasing. You can also choose them to replace metal fillings, as they resemble the natural tooth, making them less noticeable when you talk or laugh.

To reduce the risk of cavities, maintain good oral hygiene with regular dental visits. Additionally, avoid sugary foods, maintain a balanced diet, use fluoride toothpaste, and avoid late-night snacking after brushing to protect your teeth against cavities.

Cavities often cause sensitivity and pain, especially when consuming acidic, sugary, hot, or cold foods and drinks. Severe cavities may also cause irritation when exposed to cool air.

Filling a tooth is a painless procedure, as the dentist will administer anaesthesia beforehand. Although rare, if you experience any discomfort afterwards, mild pain relievers or home remedies can provide relief.

No special care is required beyond regular brushing and flossing. However, do not skip your regular dental check-ups.

White fillings typically last between 5-10 years before they may need to be replaced. The number of additional dental visits required for replacement will depend on your oral health and the severity of the cavity.

If the tooth is extensively damaged, the dentists at our partner practices may recommend alternatives such as inlays, onlays, or dental crowns. If decay has reached the tooth's centre, root canal therapy may be necessary, followed by restorative work using crowns or fillings.

If your fillings become loose or fall out, contact us immediately. We will arrange an appointment at one of our partner dental clinics for the necessary treatment. Our partner dentists are highly experienced in assessing and treating loose or missing fillings to achieve the desired outcome.