Recurring Thrush: Key Causes Behind Persistent Symptoms
Tired of getting thrush again and again? If this is the case, you need to understand the causes and symptoms of recurring thrush.
Tired of getting thrush again and again? If this is the case, you need to understand the causes and symptoms of recurring thrush. Recurring thrush occurs when you keep developing the infection after recovering from a primary outbreak despite several treatments to resist the infection. Read on further to find out more on recurring thrush.

Recurring Thrush: An Overview
Recurring thrush is quite a common condition occurring in men and women. It is also termed as recurrent candidiasis. Candida albicans, a kind of yeast infection is the primary cause of thrush. This condition is mainly characterised by a burning sensation, itchiness or unusual discharge and may get out of control at times.
A patient who has already undergone a thrush outbreak, tends to experience around four episodes of the same infection again and again within a single year. this condition is regarded as recurring thrush. It does not only produce discomfort but might also cause embarrassment and interfere with your daily activities.
Common Reasons for Recurring Thrush
The exact cause of recurrent thrush is not known. However, there are certain factors that contribute to your risks of developing thrush more frequently. As thrush infection causes your body to go through different changes, it affects your immune system. It also produces imbalance in the levels of yeast and natural bacteria in your body. All these events make you more likely to get the infection. Other reasons like hormonal changes or use of antibiotics may also be responsible for your recurring thrush.
Some other factors causing your recurring thrush include:
Sexual activity: Thrush is often a common occurrence, especially when it is passed on between sexual partners. This makes it more complicated to eradicate thrush permanently. As a result, you may keep getting recurrent thrush.
Tight clothing: If you wear tight fitting clothes, it might cause you to sweat. A moist, warm environment is created in your body. This is perfect for yeast growth and ultimately may lead to thrush infection.
Diabetes: As diabetes or high blood sugar level encourages yeast growth, it increases the likeliness of thrush.
Dietary habits: If you keep consuming processed food items or high sugar items, they eventually contribute to occurrence of yeast infections.
Why do I keep getting it again and again?
If you wonder ‘why do I keep getting thrush’, several factors contribute to answering your question:
**Your sexual partner is infected with thrush
**Your sexual partner is highly prone to developing thrush if you are already infected with it, irrespective of whichever gender you are. In fact, you both might experience recurring thrush again and again if your symptoms are not cleared properly during the first treatment.
**Former treatment has not cleared the infection completely
**If you get proper treatment for your thrush, you will get rid of your symptoms and become fully cured. However, if the treatment was not effective, there are chances that your infection may not be gone completely, and some bacteria might remain. As a result, this may cause you to face another outbreak of thrush.
It is important to wash your hands regularly and before every meal to get rid of all the germs causing your infection.
**Using scented soaps or body washes
**Another major factor responsible for recurrent thrush is the disruption of the delicate balance of different organisms residing harmoniously in your body. When you use perfumes, scented washes or soaps, it can upset the natrual balance in your body and cause irritation. As a result, this condition promotes recurrent thrush.
**Conditions like pregnancy may also make you more vulnerable to catching recurring infections of thrush.
Why does it occur before my period?
Most of the women tend to experience thrush while menstruating. This is mainly due to changes in the vagina caused by the delicate pH balance before or during your period. This is why you may become more prone to experience thrush before, during or after your period.
Remember that sanitary products can equally be responsible for causing irritation and consequent infection in the vagina. As the vagina is already self-cleaning, excess cleaning of your vagina with some other external product during your menstrual cycle might wash away your good bacteria as well. All these ultimately lead to recurrent outbreaks of thrush.
Treatment Options for Recurrent Thrush
Remember that different over the counter treatments may not be suitable for dealing with your recurrent thrush. Some of these treatments become less effective especially when you have already experienced an episode of thrush within the last six months. Consider visiting a private GP in South Kensington if you are going through symptoms of recurrent thrush. Consulting a healthcare professional or a GP in a sexual health clinic is crucial to find out the root cause of the recurrent occurrence of your thrush.
If you have already had thrush before and can recognise the reoccurrence of the same symptoms, you can use antifungal medicines. These medications are available over the counter in the shops and pharmacies.
Common treatment options for thrush infection are:
- Tablets for oral consumption
- Tablets to be inserted into your vagina
- Creams to prevent your itchiness
You are likely to get relief from your symptoms within a week of starting these treatments. However, you might have to continue these treatments for longer durations even after alleviating your symptoms to enjoy long term results and resist further thrush infection.
Does thrush indicate stress?
When we go through a stressful situation, it affects the functioning of our body. We may feel run down or it may weaken our immune system. This is when our body gets vulnerable to infections like thrush.
How can you prevent recurring thrush?
You can definitely reduce your risks of developing thrush by simple changes in hygiene habits and lifestyle. This does not only cut down your chances of infection but helps maintain your good health at the same time. For example, a balanced diet with adequate amounts of nutrients can support your health. You must also follow necessary precautions to control your blood sugar level as diabetes promotes yeast infection and consequent thrush.
Some other preventive measures to avoid thrush infection are:
- Taking showers instead of baths
- Consider washing underwear with fragrance free, gentle detergents
- Do not forget to dry up your genitals after washing, especially the foreskin
- Use scent free soaps to wash your genitals gently
- Avoid any kind of tight clothing
- Practise using cotton garments for underwear
- Do not use deodorants or douches on your genital areas
Can I get thrush recurrently after the first outbreak?
Yes, you can develop thrush again if you have already been infected once in the past.
Uncovering Signs: How can I identify thrush?
A red and itchy skin with persistent irritation is the primary sign of a yeast infection. If you notice unusual discharge from the vagina, it may also be an alarming sign of thrush due to yeast growth.
Who is more likely to get thrush?
Although the outbreak of thrush is limited to no gender, women are typically more prone to developing this infection in comparison to men.
Final Outlook
Recurring thrush is something you can’t get rid of easily despite several treatments. The best thing to do is follow some precautions to avoid catching the infection on a recurrent basis. Visit MD South Kensington Clinic to get expert solutions to deal with your recurring thrush.