Tue, Jan 28 2025
Reading time: 13 mins
One of the most asked questions about people’s lifestyle is ‘how many calories should I eat a day’. An idea of you daily calorie requirement is essential for your health.
The energy produced from calorie intake regulates the proper functioning of your organs and bodily functions. In fact, our daily activities depend on this energy produced in our body. This energy is produced from the burning of the calories we consume. By having a balanced diet with the right amount of calories helps one in making healthier choices in daily life.
Knowledge of daily calorie requirement of an individual is integral to your good health. As per the suggestions of healthcare professionals and scientific researchers:
If you are planning to lose weight, you must reduce your daily calorie consumption by about 600 kcal. This suggests reduced calorie intake should be:
How many calories should I eat for breakfast – Once you have a rough idea of how many calories you are having, follow the given amounts below as a guide to achieve the desired weight.
For an average of 1,900 kcal per day:
For an average of 1,400 kcal per day:
During each meal you must try and include:
However, your daily physical activities and other factors determine the calories you eat in a day. Your lifestyle impacts your calorie needs by:
The daily calorie need varies from one person to another as per their age group. While a child requires a considerable amount of calories for proper growth and development, young adults and teenagers need huge amount of calories to perform the maximum levels of activity at this point of their life. People again require fewer calories at old age as their metabolic functions undergo different changes during this time.
Gender again plays a major role in determining the calorie requirements. For example, male births demand more calorie intake than female births. A probable reason for this is the larger body size of males compared to newborn females. The male physiology requires more calories than females in their teenage years and adulthood as well. This is what makes men generally more physically strong and active.
Height is also a key determinant of your daily calorie need. In fact, extreme low consumption of calories can negatively impact your height. A low calorie intake might lead to your stunted growth. Moreover, over intake of calories can again stimulate hormone secretion essential for achieving optimal height.
If your calorie intake is more than your regular calorie burn, becoming overweight may become a serious concern. This is due to the deposition of excess energy as fat in your body for future use. You will need to reduce your calorie to ensure to body starts the breakdown of these deposited fats.
On the other hand, if your calorie usage is more than your daily calorie intake, you will lose weight. This will require you consuming greater calories to balance your daily calorie burns.
If you are engaged in regular physical exercise, higher calorie consumption daily is essential. This is crucial for balancing the excess calorie usage you have burnt during exercise.
Your food habit is a crucial determinant of your body’s calorie requirement. For instance, people consuming processed and oily foods experience degradation of calorie intake in their diet.
The following physiological aspects also influence calorie needs:
You can follow these tips below to develop a brief idea on calorie awareness:
It is often a common question that ‘how many calories should I eat a day by age’. Your calorie needs largely depend on your gender, age, or levels of activity. Refer to the following to get an idea of your daily calorie requirements.
However, difference in metabolic rates is often a major factor responsible for varying calorie needs in different individuals.
Nearly 300 excess calories are essential for a woman to consume per day during her pregnancy. However, make sure that healthy food items should be the source of these extra calories. It is best to avoid excessive sweet intake and junk foods in pregnancy. Plenty of green vegetables and fresh fruits offer the necessary vitamins and minerals for the growing baby. Moreover, protein rich foods with unsaturated fats, iron, calcium, and folic acid are essential for the development of the baby.
A pregnancy diet must include adequate calorie content along with consumption of items like fresh fruits, green vegetables, cereals, rice, bread, yoghurt, cheese, and milk. Besides, pregnant women must consume plenty of protein rich foods including beans, nuts, pulses, fish, eggs, eat, and poultry.
If you want to maintain your current body weight, the best way is to balance the amount of your calorie intake to the amount of your calorie usage per day. For an optimal body weight, you should intake between 2000 to 2500 calories in a day. If you are looking for ‘how many calories should I eat to lose weight calculator’, evaluating the BMR and AMR can help:
To evaluate the calorie usage in the body, you need to calculate the BMR:
655.1 + (9.563 x weight in kg) + (1.850 x height in cm) - (4.676 x age in years)
66.47 + (13.75 x weight in kg) + (5.003 x height in cm) - (6.755 x age in years)
This indicates the calorie usage rate in your body.
Calculating the AMR, on the other hand, helps assess your calorie requirement:
AMR = BMR x 1.2
AMR = BMR x 1.55
AMR = BMR x 1.9
This suggests the calorie need of your body per day.
The following foods provide the maximum calories in human body.
Name of Food Item |
Calorie Content per 100 grams |
1. Homemade granola |
489 calories |
2. Meat (Chicken leg) |
184 calories |
3. Firm tofu |
144 calories |
4. Fish (Salmon) |
206 calories |
5. Avocados |
160 calories |
6. Dairy foods |
61 calories |
7. Chickpeas |
164 calories |
8. Sweet potatoes |
101 calories |
9. Whole grains (Brown rice) |
123 calories |
10. Nuts |
718 calories |
Food habits and lifestyle designs are crucial factors affecting the calorie requirements of individuals. You can follow these tips below to find out how many calories you should eat in a day:
Starchy carbohydrates must comprise about one third of your meal. Adequate amounts of cereals, breads, rice, or potatoes or wholegrain rich in fibre content are necessary for your regular diet. You can also have whole wheat pasta and brown rice. These items offer you the right amount of calories along with filling your stomach as well.
Most healthcare professionals recommend having at least 5 portions of vegetables and fruits per day. You can have them in all states – fresh, dried, frozen, juiced, or canned. Consuming adequate amounts of vegetables and fruits provide necessary minerals and vitamins to your body.
Fish gives abundant minerals, vitamins, and proteins to our body. A healthy and balanced diet needs at least 2 potions of fish in every 7 days. Oily fish are also recommended often as they contain omega-3 fat deposits which help prevent heart problems.
Herring, salmon, pilchards, trout, mackerel, and sardines are some oily fish which positively impact your health. Some non-oily fish are also beneficial; including coley, cod, hake, plaice, tuna, haddock, and skate.
You may suffer from obesity or tooth decay for excessive intake of sugary drinks and food items. You must avoid items like honey, syrups, or synthetic fruit juices containing free sugars. Also refrain from sugary breakfast cereals, fizzy drinks, cakes, pastries, biscuits, puddings, sweets, alcoholic drinks, and chocolates to cut down on sugar.
Every 100 grams of food should not contain more than 22.5 grams sugar. A low sugar intake suggests having less than or equal to 5 grams sugar in every 100 grams food. This refers a low sugar diet.
A little quantity of fat is essential for your regular diet. Fat can be either saturated or unsaturated. Excessive intake of saturated fats increases your blood cholesterol level which eventually leads to heart diseases.
Healthcare specialists and dieticians suggest males to consume below 30 grams saturated fat in a day. Females should consume only up to 20 grams saturated fat in a day. However, children below 11 years should intake saturated fats as less as possible than adults.
Avoiding sources of saturated fats can help. You can cut down on items like hard cheese, sausages, lard, cakes, biscuits, pies, butter, cream, and fatty cuts of meat. Instead, opt for unsaturated fats like avocados, vegetable oils, or oily fish.
Excessive salt intake might lead to a high blood pressure, resulting in risks of strokes and heart diseases. Packaged foods already contain considerable amounts of salt. Salt is present in sauces, breads, breakfast cereals, and soups. Such food items have over 1.5 grams salt in every 100 grams food. As recommended be doctors, a person must not consume more than 6 grams salt in a day.
You must avoid dehydration at all cost. Drinking at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is essential for this. However, focus on avoiding all sugary drinks, soft drinks, sweetened fruit juices, carbonated cold drinks, and fizzy drinks. Low sugar drinks, coffee, tea, and water are good for your calorie intake.
Most people willing to lose body weight often skip breakfast. In fact, a healthy breakfast usually contains wholegrain foods rich in fibre which improve the metabolic functions in the body.
Start losing your body weight and be more active with healthy eating habits today! Download the NHS Weight Loss Plan for free.
The entire plan is divided into 12 weeks for:
Do not worry as the app gives you an easy plan. Begin your journey today towards losing weight!
Free NHS Weight Loss App: https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/lose-weight/
MD.co.uk does not provide individual dietary advice. If you are willing to get special dietary recommendations, discuss your requirements, suffer from an eating disorder, or are worried about your medical needs, contact us today to consult a qualified healthcare professional at any of our partner clinics. Our healthcare professionals offer personalised dietary advice for all children and adults.
While deciding on your regular diet, you must include a variety of food items to ensure the intake of different nutrients present in different food sources. Balanced calorie consumption gives you a healthy and comfortable life. Your body requires different calorie intake at different stages of life. This depends on your gender, age, food habits, exercise, physical activities, and conditions like pregnancy. It is best to consult a qualified and experienced dietician to have a comprehensive knowledge of your calorie needs.