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What to Expect During a Pregnancy Blood Test

 Mon Mar 10 2025

Reading time : 4 mins

If you suspect that you are pregnant, a pregnancy blood test is necessary to gain information about your pregnancy as early as possible. The main advantage of a pregnancy blood test is that it offers critical information early on in pregnancy, unlike urine tests. However, a blood test can be daunting for some people.

This blog encompasses everything you need to know about pregnancy blood tests in London, when to get the test, what are its underlying advantages and disadvantages. 

What is a pregnancy blood test?

Also known as beta human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) test, a pregnancy blood test measures the hCG hormone levels in your blood. After fertilisation, the developing placenta in the woman’s body produces this hormone.  

Rather than giving a straight qualitative result whether positive or negative, a pregnancy blood test gives quantified results. It provides essential information to check the viability of pregnancy and gives an estimated gestational age as well based on the hCG levels.

Urine Test vs. Pregnancy Blood Test

Urine hCG Test

Blood hCG Test

Requires slightly higher hCG levels to give a positive reading

Comparatively more sensitive than urine hCG tests

Qualitative test

Can be either qualitative or quantitative

Checks your pregnancy (gives positive or negative reading); does not measure hCG levels

Tracks your hCG levels over time

You can get accurate results within a few days or a week from after your missed period

Gives accurate test results from before you miss your period


How fast can a pregnancy blood test detect pregnancy?

Blood tests are typically known to detect early pregnancy very accurately. These tests can detect pregnancy within 7 to 12 days after conception, even before getting a missed period. hCG hormone can be detected in your blood 6 days after your ovulation. This is because concentration of hCG in your blood is higher than that in urine.     

While home pregnancy tests can detect hCG levels close to around 20 mIU/Ml, professional pregnancy blood tests can detect hCG levels as low as 5 mIU/mL. 

Benefits of Pregnancy Blood Test

Pregnancy blood tests are associated with a number of benefits, such as:

  • Early detection: For people wanting to check their pregnancy as soon as possible, particularly while monitoring early pregnancy health or undergoing fertility treatments, this same day pregnancy blood test offers more benefits, compared to urine tests.
  • Health concerns: Blood tests are useful in evaluating pregnancies. For women suffering with ectopic pregnancy, or those having a history of miscarriages, pregnancy blood tests can help monitor relevant levels of hormones. It not only ensures the health of the mother and the foetus, but also gives more clarity around your gestational status.

Blood tests are also useful in tracking and diagnosing pregnancies in unknown locations. This is especially in cases where signs of pregnancy are not visible in ultrasound.

How to deal with unexpected results?

Dealing with unexpected results of pregnancy blood tests can be emotionally disturbing, and the response typically depends on the individual. In such situations, you should consult your healthcare provider. You may also want to discuss the situation with your partner for emotional support. If you are still uncomfortable or unsure, ask for additional support or resources.  

You might require considerable time to handle your emotions while accepting the results. However, make sure to seek support and help. For cases when you expect a positive result due to a missed period but your result is negative instead, consider repeating the test after 48 to 72 hours for confirmation. If you are pregnant, your hCG levels would definitely rise within that period.

If you still continue to receive results which you have not anticipated, consult your healthcare provider to find out the best course of action. There are a variety of options available, regardless of whatever result may come from your pregnancy blood test.

Final Thoughts

A pregnancy blood test is the most accurate way to look for early pregnancy, confirm pregnancy, or monitor its progress. With benefits like health assessment to early detection, pregnancy blood test can come with drawbacks like potential discomfort or cost issues. However, the process becomes easy once you understand when to get a pregnancy blood test, how to deal with unexpected results and how the procedure feels.

Consult our healthcare providers at for private pregnancy blood tests to get best care and support throughout your pregnancy journey.